W.A.L.T: Create a timeline for a saint of your choice. This is a timeline of St Patrick. What I enjoyed was learning new things I didn't know about St Patrick as I looked at the important events of his life. What I could do next time is to add more detail about the events.
I am a Student at St Bernadette's Primary School. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
W.A.L.T:Explore and use a scale to work out distances on a map. What I enjoyed was learning different types of scales. What I could do next time is to add images. Hope you enjoy!
Friday, 24 November 2017
Don't deal with the DIceman
Don’t deal with the Diceman
Two brothers by the name of Mick & Mack fancied themselves a subway everyday, but the one faithful day they came across a pitch black alleyway. They had to have something for defence, so they carried a butter knife, but little did they know going through the alleyway there would change their life. The boys thought they would meet someone nice. Instead they found a sketchy figure whose head was shaped like a piece of dice. The man came closer, and the boys began to sweat. Then the man revealed his face saying, “would you like to make a bet”.
The brothers never had time to properly think a situation out, so they agreed without second thought, but by the end of the day, there will be a lesson the boys are taught. Before they could make a shake of the dice, the man explained some rules while looking for his head lice. He said that the boys had to get a total of seven when the dice has been rolled. Otherwise the boys would have to pay with their souls. Blinded by easy riches, Mick had forgotten about their cheating strategy and quickly rolled the dice. When the dice had stop rolling….
He had rolled a snake eyes!
The boys were on their knees and begged for another roll, and instead the man had spared their soul. Instead of the Diceman controlling the boys like voodoo dolls, he said they would have to retrieve 5 other souls.The Dice had aslo added to retrieve the souls by the sight of no light.The boys agreed it would take resilience and strength, to fight at the creatures with their limitless length.
First they came across MintberryCrunch, but with the enhanced power of their fists, they had defeated him with one punch. Then they came across Hilda Berg, but little did she know what was coming, well what we learn. On the way they met Goopa-Le-Grande, and the way they defeated was with the irritating voice of Ariana Grande. The boys said with confidence "you know, there always is a silver lining" but they never should've spoke to soon, for the sun stopped shining.
Due to the no longer sight of the shine, they would have to say goodbye, for one last time..
To be continued..
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
How to Add and Subtract Decimals!
W.A.L.T: Add and subtract decimal numbers. What I enjoyed was making a cool quiz to test the reader. What I could do next time is to add more examples. Hope you enjoy!
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Cuddles the Dog
In our class, we have been told to write stories that would feature punctuation such as Ellipsis and Speech marks. What I enjoyed was making my story rhyme. What I could do next time is to add images.
Cuddles the Dog
Cuddles may have looked innocent to the human eye, but no one has ever experienced his dark evil side.
Cuddle’s owners had taken him out to spend a few dollars, then cuddles quietly whispered, “time to show my true colours”...
He nicked a few dimes, and a few cooking books. Then when people looked at him suspiciously, he just gave them the cute look.
After his successful heist, he felt like nothing could stop him. On his way, coming out the closet….
Fell a raggedy old Toboggan.
“CRASH”The owners immediately ran to see what happened to their cuddles, then they saw a bag of what they thought their dog had smuggled.
The owners investigated and finally found a trace, and with a quiet voice the owner said, “I arrest my case”...
He didn’t want to be known for his sin, so he pointed at a innocent dog and said “It was him”.
Everyone now was confused, soon enough confuddled. Though, by the size of the paw prints, it was obviously cuddles.
Cuddles was never forgiven for his crime, so he was locked up in the laundry for a long period of time.
Friday, 27 October 2017
\W.A.L.T:Describe the cultural significance of a pouwhenua. Explain the History behind Pouwhenua. What I enjoyed was learning about pouwhenua. What I could next time is to add drawings.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Green stone, a Toanga recourse in Aoteroa
W.A.L.T:Describe what a Taonga is and identify resources that are Tango in Aotearoa. What I enjoyed was learning about the legend of the bringing of the green stone to New Zealand. What I could do next time is to add images to make it look more exciting.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
The life of a can of Sardines
This week in our class, we were told to write a story about an object or something that probably wouldn't talk. One example being a Tree. My Story is about the life of a can of sardines. Keep in mind that the story had to be set in past tense. What I enjoyed was writing from the perspective of a sardine. What I could do next time is to add more complex sentences.
The life of a can of Sardines
It was a fine day in my wonderful home. The Glorious sun shined its bright and positive light, and my tribe enjoyed the feeling of safe citizens. Although, it wasn’t long until darkness that was blacker than lacquer had slowly blocked our vision from the light. Everyone was looking with confusion. Being distracted by the darkness, had caught the warriors off guard. Before the blink of an eye, we had been lifted above the surface by a strange object, it was a net!
Due to the lack of water, we had blacked out faster than the speed of light. With the sprinkle of a miracle, we had opened our eyes and yet again saw the beautiful sun. Although, we all knew that it was soon to be over. We scanned with our diligent eyes to see what was the situation, and we soon came to realise we were going to be dinner. I didn’t want my life to have a short gruesome ending!
We were all spazzing out with fear, our water supply on the ground was nearly soon to be nothing but dry concrete. The bright sun decided to shed low heat on our bodies. We were soon to be dried out. While we were suffering, we heard the fishermen rejoicing for their amazing luck of catching a whole society of innocent Sardines. The fishermen put us into a heavy contraption while carrying a very sharp blade. It was sure to be the end.
We were squished in like a big family. I absolutely hated it. The fishermen smothered us in this weird seasoning which caused to tear some of our skin. They were ready to begin the uncomfortable process, but what seemed to them as preparing dinner on a casual day. One fisherman decided to be sneaky and tuck on sardine in his mouth. He had so many sardines to choose from, but it looked to him as I was the most juiciest one. Even though WE ALL LOOKED THE SAME!!!! Luckily, one fisherman had slapped his hand which made me fall back into the bowl. The fisherman also said that we shouldn’t cut off the heads. I was very thankful for that. After a good few minutes of oiling us, they had put us in a tin that I wasn’t looking forward to fit in with my family. We were soon opened after so many centuries, the lid was gently opened, and were welcome to the mouth of an infant
Friday, 29 September 2017
Gymnastics dance
This is a video of me and my dance buddy Marcus's gymnastic dance. Before anything, we were able to choose a song of our choice. Then we were told to make our dance a minute long. What found easy was confidence when recording. What I found hard was making it a minute long.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Measurements inside and outside my classroom
This is a presentation of me showing the measurements of different of objects inside and out my classroom. Along with the perimeter, area and volume of them. What I found easy was calculating the area since I'm good at multiplication. What I found hard was nothing.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Our C.E.E.R value Responsibility
W.A.L.T: Explain how responsibility is identified in our school. What I found easy was making characters. What I found hard was coding the scratch, until I got help from Lance. Enjoy the Scratch me and Annabelle made.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Prison(pick a path story)
W.A.L.T: Use appropriate language features for a pick a path story. What I enjoyed was learning how to create a pick a path story. What I could do next time is to add more endings.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Perimeter and Area
W.A.L.T: Calculate the perimeter, area and volume of different shapes. What I enjoyed was learning the perimeter of a square. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Children in Africa
This term we have been looking at Social Justice, and were then told to make an inquiry about the children who are less fortunate than others. What I enjoyed was learning about the children in Africa that are less fortunate than others. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Monday, 18 September 2017
Isolated People
W.A.L.T: Identify people in our community who may be isolated. What I found easy was identifying people that are lonely since we are used to going on our devices. What I found hard was to give justified reasons
Thursday, 7 September 2017
How to calculate the volume of a cuboid
W.A.L.T: Calculate the volume of a Cuboid. What I enjoyed was learning how to calculate the volume of a cuboid. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Calculate the volume of a Cuboid
Is Graffiti Art or Messy?
In Our class, we were told to write a persuasive text about whether Graffiti is art or Messy. Me Personally decided to say that it was art. What I enjoyed was learning about this interesting graffiti artist by the name of Bansky. What I could do next time is to add more information on how I can persuade the reader.
Is Graffiti Art or Messy?
Is graffiti art or just messy? In my opinion, I strongly believe that graffiti is art. Here are some reasonable facts on why it’s art.
Let’s start off with my first reason. Graffiti artists one example Banksy likes to make pieces of art, and the majority of graffiti art have a meaningful symbol behind it such as: Soldiers painting the peace sign, Dreams cancelled, there is hope and many more. Although, there are scribbles of swear words, names and texts. In that case, that’s called vandalism.
Moving on, there are currently some horrible wars going on, and some artists one of which called Banksy spray painted wonderful pictures to represent the war and how there should be peace. One example is called, “Soldiers painting peace”. They also represent the fact we should stop the hatred and war.
On my last fact on why graffiti is art, I really can’t understand why society would criticize the beautiful art of graffiti. It may cost a lot of money to tear it down, but why would you tear something so amazing. Looking back at the scribbled words, it may look unpleasant, but I would look to it as art aswell, at least for the originator.
In conclusion, I strongly agree to the people who believe graffiti is art. As you saw with my supported facts. Like how society shouldn’t criticize it, the meaning behind the art and the horrible wars. I believe this should’ve persuaded you to believe that graffiti is art.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
A blank canvas
In a land far far away, lied an ancient sword that was a gift from the one and only. Zeus. Retrieving this sword would grant wondrous power beyond warriors abilities, and possession of the finest riches. However, getting this sword in the grasp of your hands was not an easy task. The sword was injected in the toughest stone. Warriors with powerful strength have triumphed, but have failed. The sword is known to be located in a village where the villagers that lived there, suffered from poverty and hatred.
Behind all this hatred and suffering, lived a young boy by the name of Benjamin. He was eager to pull that sword out of the stone, but his strength level was the same as a four year old child. Although, he wasn’t going to let that stop him. Through day and night, through rain and storm. He trained until he could move a muscle. Atlast, it was time to face the Sword, Benjamin was ready. He gave the sword a good grip, and pulled with all his strength.. His whole face was drenched in sweat. He didn’t want his training to be useless. After solid Five and a half hours, “ZINGG!!!” the sword finally came off. Benjamin came flying off the rock. Hikers heard an awfully weird sound from the distance. They quickly rushed to see what had happened. To their surprise, they saw a young boy with the sword of Zeus pulled out of the stone. They looked with amazement. “How could this be?!!, no warrior has ever pulled the sword of almighty Zeus!! This young boy is a living, breathing legend!!!!”. Atlast, Benjamin had become the most powerful warrior in all of Zarzia.
Our class was told make a piece of art that had a story behind it. What I liked was telling interesting story. What I could do next time is to be more creative with my image.
We have the freedom to be who we want to be
W.A.L.T: Use words and pictures to convey our thoughts. What I enjoyed was creating cool images. What I could next time is to be more creative with my quote.
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Different parts of a circle.
W.A.L.T: Identify different parts of a circle.
What I enjoyed was learning new parts of a circle.
What I could do next time is to to make my drawing look more better.
Thursday, 10 August 2017
Climate change officer needed!
[Climate Change Officer Needed!]
It’s time to make a change. Let’s fight as one to stop climate change!
The people in Tonga have been living the hard life thanks to climate change. For example the rising sea levels has been damaging the coastlines, coconut trees and houses. There are going to be many more opposing threats if we won’t do anything about it. The lives of many kids in Tonga will end shortly. I believe that there are many people who want to take action for climate change. So please, reach out your hand for those who are suffering.
Person specification:
-Must be able to have excellent presentation, communication and facilitation skills.
-Must have experience of working on climate change, and knowing the issues in a public or private sector.
-Must have experience of project and programme design. Management, monitoring and evaluation.
-Must have knowledge on climate change and the affects it has on the environment.
-Must have the ability to respect others cultures, and culture backgrounds. As well as respecting them at work.
Role responsibilities:
- Report any damage from climate change encounters to climate change leader.
- Assist workers when making the kits filled with food and Hygiene products before departure.
We go to all sorts of places, but we are currently in Tonga.
WALT. Describe the qualities of someone who is an effective advocate for others. What I enjoyed was learning what it takes to be a climate change officer. What I could next time is to add more information.
Friday, 4 August 2017
Climate Change
W.A.L.T: Understand that human actions are affecting our climate. What I enjoyed was creating cool images and learning new information about climate change. What I could do next time is to add more detail.
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
How a three leaf clover represents the trinity
This week, our class were given a few images and were told to choose one and create a thinglink explaining how that image represents the trinity. What I enjoyed was learning new information like:
The three cloves represent Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Thursday, 6 July 2017
In our class, we have been learning about preserving. We were then told to make a DLO telling about how people in the old days, and people around the world how they preserved food. What I enjoyed how Vikings preserved food. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Mould growth on orange
This term in topic, we have been learning about Mould. Then we did a fair test about it. What I enjoyed was knowing where the mould grows quicker. What I could do next time is be more creative when testing our mould.
Hairtronius the hair God!
In our class, we were told to write about our own legends. I enjoyed creating a cool legend story about how I have my hair. What I could do next time is to be more creative when creating the images.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
In our class, we were told to make a DLO telling about Matariki, but we had to use sound. What I enjoyed was making a cool animation. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Monday, 3 July 2017
Things I consider that are amazing of all creation.
W.A.L.T: Recognize that God is spirit Wairua and is greater than anything created. What I enjoyed was showing you guys what I consider to be the most amazing of creation. What I will do next time is to make my work look more tidy.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
W.A.L.T: I am learning to solve division problems by changing them to simpler problems that have the same answer. What I enjoyed was learning a new technique to solve division problems. What I could do next time is to be more creative.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Coding a cross
Our class was told to make a cross using coding. I successfully made the cross as well. What I enjoyed was making the cross first try. What I could do next time is make it look cooler. Here's the code how I made the cross:
fd 100
lt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 25
rt 90
fd 50
lt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 25
rt 90
fd 50
lt 90
fd 50
rt 90
fd 25
rt 90
fd 50
lt 90
fd 100
fd 100
rt 90
fd 25
rt 90
fd 100
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
The Man slumped down to the ground, enormous amounts of
exhaustion washed over him. Seconds later, his body becomes very weak, and his eyes start to close, but once the bolt of lightning struck to the hard soil, the Man soon came to realize that he was paralyzed.
Minutes later, the Man recovers from his paralysis , then memories of how he ended up there flowed into his head.“It’s not my fault!, it’s not my fault that book contained personal information!!!”. Suddenly, the sounds of footsteps tingles the Man’s ears, the footsteps get louder by the second! The Man’s heart is rapidly thumping, what’s his next move?
In our class, we were told to write a story based off a dirty Man, and we were also told to only use two paragraphs, and we were also told to use Show not tell. What I enjoyed was using descriptive language. What my next steps are is to probably be more descriptive.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
B.E.D.M.A.S game!
In our class, we were told to make a game using B.E.D.M.A.S. What I enjoyed was creating a cool game. What I could do next time is to be more creative.
J.K Rowling Biography
In our Class we've been told to make a biography about an Author of our choice, and I chose J.K Rowling! What I enjoyed was writing a Biography in the first place I really like to write those kind of things about special people. What my next steps are is to add more detail.
Thursday, 8 June 2017
W.A.L.T:Identify customs and traditions associated with different cultures. What I enjoyed was learning new information. What I could do next time is to be more creative.
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Gift of Knowledge
W.A.L.T: Identify how the gift of the Holy Spirit is demonstrated in Peoples lives. What I liked was learning new information. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
Ascension Icons
W.A.L.T:Explain on how Christians celebrate the Feast of Ascension. What I enjoyed was creating Jesus. What I could do next time is to add information.
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Fungi life process Animation
Our class was told to create an Animation or a Drawing about the Fungi life cycle. What I enjoyed was doing the Animation. What my next steps are is to include more information.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Seeds of the word
W.A.L.T: Explain the meaning of the term Seeds of the Word. What I enjoyed was learning new information. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Thursday, 25 May 2017
How to reply to different kinds of comments
W.A.L.T: To reply to comments on our Blog.What I enjoyed was making coll images. What my next steps are to add more information
Mould life cycle process
How does Mould grow in Bread?
What we’ve seen our fruit bowls, in our Fridge, or maybe even in our Lunch boxes that we left in the Holidays, have you ever wondered how that disgusting Mould grows in your perfectly made Sandwich that Mum made for you? Well i’m going to explain the simple process of how your yummy Sandwich get’s infected and results to a green fury disgusting food source.
Firstly, there a little airborne microscopic units called “Spores” that are floating in midair that are on the lookout for a food source it can find and devour and decay. Soon after the Spores find the food source and make their way inside, it will then release a thin hair like tube which I will explain much more about very shortly.
This tube is known to be called, “Hypha/Hyphae”. The reason why this tube is sent out is sent out is, because when go back to the Spores, when they have fully grown inside the food source and got use to it, it will then release the tube.
Soon after, the Hyphae will eventually secrete enzymes which causes the food source to break down. Sooner or later, the Hyphae will from a cobweb like criss-crossed mat that is called “Mycelium”.
The Fungi then produce ray that is rather dizzying which forms fruiting bodies.
The Primary functions for these fruiting bodies is to launch a next generation in the form of spores, which causes the process to restart.
Even Though Mould can be seen nearly everywhere, yet I’m still questioning about it. Like, why is Mould meant to be seen in our normal lives?, are there more pros than cons about Fungi, but honestly, I have mixed feelings for them.
W.A.L.T: Identify the structure of an explanation text and explore the language features of an explanation text. What I enjoyed telling people new information about the Mould cycle if thy haven't already. What I could do next time is to add more detail into my text.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Endangered Animals
This week in our class, we learned about Endangered Animals and were then told to choose one Endangered Animal and tell some information about them. What I enjoyed was learning new facts about my Endangered Animal. What my next steps are to add more information.
Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Te Wairua Tapu
W.A.L.T: Recognize that te Wairua Tapu prepares People for the Mission. What I enjoyed was knowing that when the Pentecost came on the People, it enabled them to speak different languages. What I could do next time is to be more creative.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Our class was told to make a DLO about Fungi. What I enjoyed was learning new information about Fungi. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Suzanne Aubert
This week in reading, our class was told to make a DLO about "Suzanne Abuert". If you don't know who Suzanne Aubert is, this slideshow will show you who she is, and what's she is famous for. What I enjoyed was learning new information about this beautiful lady. What I need to work on is to e=be more creative.
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
Mould is not a Plant nor Animal!
W.A.L.T: differentiate between plant like and animal like characteristics of Mould. What I enjoyed was learning new things about the properties of Animals and Plants. What I found hard is making it tidy.
Under the rug
Our class was given a photo along with the first sentence. We were then told to carry on from that sentence and write story, but we were told not to mention any deaths. What I enjoyed was being as creative as I want and adding a cliffhanger. What I could do next time is to be more creative
Under the rug
Two weeks have past and it happened again, the Darkness essence has come back to takeover innocent old Bobby’s poor soul. The Darkness decided to be sneaky and attack from under the rug instead of attacking head on from last time. Once Bobby caught sight of the essence, he attacked it with his nearest objects. The nearest object he could find was a chair, and like another person would do if they were attacked by a disease, he threw the chair at the Ebola, but it missed. Then the Darkness jumped out of the rug and nearly reached Bobby’s body, but before the Darkness took over bobby’s soul, it was sucked from a vacuum. Bobby wondered who saved his life. Suddenly an anonymous wearing a black hoodie came out of the shadow’s. Bobby said, “who are you?”, the anonymous man responded, “I am your forgotten Brother!!!.” To be continued...
Thursday, 4 May 2017
W.A.L.T: Understand and explain the rules for order of operations including explaining the acronym.What I enjoyed was learning about BEDMAS. What I could do next time is to tell more about BEDMAS.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Boss Baby
W.A.L.T: Use the correct structure for a recount. What I enjoyed was hanging out with Sione. What I could do next time is to add more complex sentences.
Boss Baby
On the first week of the holidays, my Mum decided to take me to the Movies.
The reason why she wanted to take me to the Movies, was because she didn’t want my eyes glued to the computer screen for the whole day, and instead have it glued to a bigger one(which I find pretty odd). So I desperately asked my Mum if I could invite Sione to come along with me, and she gladly said, “Why not”.
When Sione came over, we talked about video games for a while, and then we headed to firstly buy snacks. After we purchased the snacks, we then made our way to the Movies.
When we arrived, we missed a bit of the start, but we really didn’t care. Minutes went by, we could hear kids crying because there were emotional parts in the movie(which I will not spoil for you). After the Movie was finished, there was crumbs spreaded all over the floor and juice spilt all over the seats(for some odd reason).
Overall, the Movie really pulled out my heart strings(not literally), it was so emotional yet so funny. Me and Sione had a wonderful time , and we hope to go to the Movies again in the foreseeable future.
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Tongan language
Tongan Vowel
Aa Ee Ff Hh Ii Kk Ll Mm Nn Ng ng Oo Pp Ss Tt Uu Vv
Sister Monica Has been in our class and we have been learning Tongan Language and we learned how to do the ABC's in Tongan
In our class, Sister Monica has been teaching us Tongan language and how to do the ABC's in Tongan. This activity is about teaching you how to do the ABC's in Tongan. What I enjoyed was learning a new language. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Monday, 1 May 2017
Oder of Operations
W.A.L.T: Oder of Operations matter in real life situations. What I enjoyed was learning how to properly plant a vegetable because i didn't know how. What I could do next time is to be more creative.
Saturday, 29 April 2017
Life in the trenches Prezi
W.A.L.T:Describe how people risked their lives for others. What I l liked about this activity was leaning about their routines, trench raids and more. What I could do next time is to tell more on how the soldiers risked their lives.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Easter Triduum prezi
WALT Identify how the Easter Triduum is celebrated in the Church. What I enjoyed was finding out
much more about what Jesus did. What I could do next time is to add more information.
much more about what Jesus did. What I could do next time is to add more information.
Animals in the war
WALT:Understand the importance of animals used in war. This week we have been learning about how and why animals were used in war.What I enjoyed was adding a good amount of information. What I could do next time, is to add more examples.
Sam the soldier
In our class, we read this book called "The Anzac puppy" by Peter Millett and Trish Bowles. W.A.L.T: write a flashback from a different perspective and use show not tell. What I enjoyed about this flash back was adding emotive language to try make the reader cry. What I could do next time is to add more onimatapaia.
I can remember. Way back in the war. Lying in the trenches, with my good old pal Freda who I promised to give back to this lovely lady who couldn’t afford her.
Around 1915, me and this innocent little puppy named Freda, were holding on to dear life, as we can see bullets constantly zooming past us like Sonic. I forgot to mention the bitter weather we had during the day, and the blistering heat we had during the day. Or even some days one of the two lasted the whole day. Anyway, when the bullets kept zooming past, I could see some of my friends getting shot, one after another. I tried to not let my tears get the best of me but I just couldn’t hold the tears. Day after day, explosion after explosion and casualty after casualty, I thought it was the end for me. Until one fateful day, I woke up, ready for more trouble, but what came to my surprise, my sergeant was screaming, “It’s over!!!”. After the war, I returned with a smile in my face. When I returned Freda to the lady, she was happy like she on the lotto. Shen then looks at me, I start to blush, and soon after, we fell in love and got married.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Passion Sunday
This is a drawing about me explaining what passion Sunday is and why Jesus entered Jerusalem.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Algorithms tutorial
This Slideshow is about me teaching you how to use Algorithms. What I liked about this Slideshow is adding a good amount of information. What I could do next time is to be more creative.
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Monday, 20 March 2017
Goldilocks with a twist
This piece of writing is about me writing from the perspective if Goldilocks, but with a few changes.
Hungry Locks
Hello there, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Goldilocks, and I’m in the middle of a forest, literally starving to death right now. Don’t believe me, I can see my Rib cage slowly appearing out of my torn to pieces dress that my Mum gave to me, I don’t really like her style in clothing, but I couldn’t care less about what I was wearing right now, all I need is food.
Now if you’re wondering, “how did you get in the forest in the first place”, well it’s because my parents sent me here in the first place. Now if you’re wondering, “why would they do such a thing!?”, well it had all started at home when they told me I had to live in the woods for 24 hours, and the conversation went like this, “Goldilocks, your father and I are sick and tired of you constantly demanding us to make you food, fetch you water and clean your bedroom, when you can obviously do all those things yourself. So you're punishment is having to survive in the woods for 24 hours, and to find your own shelter, food and water and that’s that!!”.
The day started to end, I feel like i’m about to die, but before I lost hope, in the distance I could see an average sized house. I wasn’t surprised though, because I’ve seen movies where the people are about to lose their lives, then a sudden miracle happens and they have a happy ending, so I knew this would happen to me since I was in a horrible condition. So I quickly made my way to the house with all the juice I had left before I was completely drained.
Just a few more meters to go and I can indulge in my victory in that house, suddenly, I had immediately fallen to the ground, and all I could see around me was light, then I realized, I had died of hunger and thirst. Well that’s all Folks!
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Equal additions
This a short slideshow to show you how to use Equal Addition for equations with three digits. What I liked was adding a good amount of information. What I could do next time is to be more creative with my presentation.
Time series data
This slideshow is about me showing results and patterns about collecting numbers of Cars passing by the Staff room. What I liked about this Slideshow is showing you the cool pie graph. What I could do next time is to be more creative.
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
5 c's of leadership
Guide to making a quality blog post
This slideshow is about making instructions to make a quality blog post.What I liked about doing this guide is adding cool animations.What I could next time is not to add too much animations.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
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