Thursday 7 September 2017

Is Graffiti Art or Messy?

In Our class, we were told to write a persuasive text about whether Graffiti is art or Messy. Me Personally decided to say that it was art. What I enjoyed was learning about this interesting graffiti artist by the name of Bansky. What I could do next time is to add more information on how I can persuade the reader.
Is Graffiti Art or Messy?

Is graffiti art or just messy? In my opinion, I strongly believe that graffiti is art. Here are some reasonable facts on why it’s art.

Let’s start off with my first reason. Graffiti artists one  example Banksy likes to make pieces of art, and the majority of graffiti art have a meaningful symbol behind it such as: Soldiers painting the peace sign, Dreams cancelled, there is hope and many more. Although, there are scribbles of swear words, names and texts. In that case, that’s called vandalism.

Moving on, there are currently some horrible wars going on, and some artists one of which called Banksy spray painted wonderful pictures to represent the war and how there should be peace. One example is called, “Soldiers painting peace”. They also represent the fact we should stop the hatred and war.
On my last fact on why graffiti is art, I really can’t understand why society would criticize the beautiful art of graffiti. It may cost a lot of money to tear it down, but why would you tear something so amazing. Looking back at the scribbled words, it may look unpleasant, but I would look to it as art aswell, at least for the originator.

In conclusion, I strongly agree to the people who believe graffiti is art. As you saw with my supported facts. Like how society shouldn’t criticize it, the meaning behind the art and the horrible wars. I believe this should’ve persuaded you to believe that graffiti is art.


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