Wednesday 3 May 2017

Boss Baby

W.A.L.T: Use the correct structure for a recount. What I enjoyed was hanging out with Sione. What I could do next time is to add more complex sentences.

Boss Baby
On the first week of the holidays, my Mum decided to take me to the Movies.

The reason why she wanted to take me to the Movies, was because she didn’t want my eyes glued to the computer screen for the whole day, and instead have it glued to a bigger one(which I find pretty odd). So I desperately asked my Mum if I could invite Sione to come along with me, and she gladly said, “Why not”.

When Sione came over, we talked about video games for a while, and then we headed to firstly buy snacks. After we purchased the snacks, we then made our way to the Movies.

When we arrived, we missed a bit of the start, but we really didn’t care. Minutes went by, we could hear kids crying because there were emotional parts in the movie(which I will not spoil for you). After the Movie was finished, there was crumbs spreaded all over the floor and juice spilt all over the seats(for some odd reason).

Overall, the Movie really pulled out my heart strings(not literally), it was so emotional yet so funny. Me and Sione had a wonderful time , and we hope to go to the Movies again in the foreseeable future.

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