Monday 20 March 2017

Goldilocks with a twist

This piece of writing is about me writing from the perspective if Goldilocks, but with a few changes.

 Hungry Locks
Hello there, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Goldilocks, and I’m  in the middle of a forest, literally starving to death right now. Don’t believe me, I can see my Rib cage slowly appearing out of my torn to pieces dress that my Mum gave to me, I don’t really like her style in clothing, but I couldn’t care less about what I was wearing right now, all I need is food.

Now if you’re wondering, “how did you get in the forest in the first place”, well it’s because my parents sent me here in the first place. Now if you’re wondering, “why would they do such a thing!?”, well it had all started at home when they told me I had to live in the woods for 24 hours, and the conversation went like this, “Goldilocks, your father and I are sick and tired of you constantly demanding us to make you food, fetch you water and clean your bedroom, when you can obviously do all those things yourself. So you're punishment is having to survive in the woods for 24 hours, and to find your own shelter, food and water and that’s that!!”.

The day started to end, I feel like i’m about to die, but before I lost hope, in the distance I could see an average sized house. I wasn’t surprised though, because I’ve seen movies where the people are about to lose their lives, then a sudden miracle happens and they have a happy ending, so I knew this would happen to me since I was in a horrible condition. So I quickly made my way to the house with all the juice I had left before I was completely drained.

Just a few more meters to go and I can indulge in my victory in that house, suddenly, I had immediately fallen to the ground, and all I could see around me was light, then I realized, I had died of hunger and thirst. Well that’s all Folks!


  1. Hi Mathan . I like the way your story ended in a very happy way. Not. You added heaps of humor in this story and you did a great job. Poor Miss Poulson. She didn't get to read this.

  2. Hi Mathan,
    Cool story I just don't understand the person explaining the story is Goldilocks but she dies of starvation at the end.


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